CHLS Egypt Tour
January 20 - 29, 2025
Cost & Details  Register

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This trip's adventures fill in an ancient framework of events in our world and biblical history. We will visit the location of the very first pyramid (Djoser) ever found in Egyptian history. We will tour museums that uncover an array of hundreds of thousands of artifacts, including 22 royal mummies, most of which date to the biblical era. We will see the great pyramids on the Giza Plateau, and the Karnak Temple. We will embark on an amazing hot-air balloon ride over the Valley of the Kings and the Nile River. We will enjoy a Nile River cruise, as well as a visit to the amazing Philae temple complex located on a beautiful island. We will see Abu Simbel and walk through its massive columns, and so much more! It will be a magnificent trip that will leave you with dusty shoes and wonderful learning and memories that will follow you as you continue to study your Bible in context.


Per Person Based on Double Occupancy

  • Cost without Airfare: $2,995.00
  • For Guaranteed Single Room Accommodation:
    Add Single Room Fee: $645.00

*A $400 non-refundable deposit is due at time of registration. By submitting a deposit, you consent to the terms on the travel forms and to the general program information.



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Important Dates

  • Registration | $400 Deposit: July 19, 2024
  • Travel Forms | Full Balance: October 18, 2024

*After full balance due date, all monies are non-refundable.



Jeremy Stein, MA
Center for Holy Lands Studies
Assemblies of God (USA)




What's Next?


Found the trip you want to join? Book your trip online or call our offices at 1-855-700-CHLS (2457)

Turn in Travel Docs

Submit all travel documentation.

Pack Your Bags!

You've booked your trip, turned in all travel documentation, now you're ready to pack your bags and adventure to the lands of the Bible!

Contact Us

2024 by the General Council of the Assemblies of God
1445 N. Boonville Ave. Springfield, MO 65802-1894 • 417-862-2781