The Devoted Faith Devotional and Video Study
encounters eight women from the Bible.
Sarah, Rahab, Jezebel, Ruth, Bathsheba,
Hannah, Mary, and Salome
Many women are named in the Bible, some more known than others, who had a significant impact on the biblical story. They illustrate examples of boldness, mercy, power, struggle, joy, and suffering - all giving examples of how to live, or how NOT to live, in their lifetime journey of faith. "Devoted Faith" is designed for us to dig in together and consider what God wants to say to you today.
Bible Reading.
Your journey of devoted faith begins with God's Word. You will discover what the text meant for the day in which it was written and how to apply it to your life.
Filmed in Israel
Videos filmed on the location of each biblical story or event are provided to enhance your journey to devoted faith. The eight biblical women in our study existed in real places and at real times in history. You will learn of the context to their lives, and apply these insights to your daily life. You will be surprised at how you will relate to these biblical women!
Personal Reflections and Dig Deeper
An intricate step in your journey to devoted faith is taking time for personal reflection. "Dig Deeper" stops along our sojourn are provided throughout our eight-part study. Reflect prayerfully what the Lord is saying to you at these intensely personal times. You will discover that times of thoughtful introspection will make the biblical text come alive and draw you closer to the Lord in a more intimate relationship.
Product Description
- Devoted Faith is available in two formats: Spiral Bound Book or Digital Download
- QR codes and website links will lead you to each video.
Bonus Material
- A Map of Israel
- Ages of the Biblical Land of Israel
- Historical and Archaeological Periods
About the Author
Amy Flattery grew up in Lynden, Washington. She attended Calvin College and earned a B.A. in Biblical Studies and Theology. In 1997, she moved to Jerusalem, Israel, to pursue her M.A. at Jerusalem University College. She studied New Testament Backgrounds and Jewish History of the Second Temple Period. In 2002, she moved to Belgium where she lectured at Continental Theological Seminary. Amy co-founded the Center for Holy Lands Studies in 2011 and became the director of CHLS in 2016. As an author and public speaker, she presents at events around the world and teaches on several trips to the lands of the Bible each year. Amy is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God. She is married to Dr. Mark Flattery, President of Network211. Together they also serve as Assemblies of God World Missionaries. Most importantly, they have six amazing kids.
Devoted Faith Introduction
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